Friday, September 15, 2006

The Hangover That Just Won't Quit

Yeah, I had a pretty good time last night, and that was only made that much better by watching the offense move up and down the field like a well oiled machine in the first half. None of those three gentlemen on the left is me, but I would say that pretty much sums it up.

I'm going to do a piece on John Holmes on the AOL blog as soon as I can get that guy in my head to turn the jack-hammer off. Click here for a little background on John Holmes. All kidding aside, he really looked good last night. Maybe one bad "Barrett Green" moment. But then again, it didn't really look that bad to me. The refs probably threw the flag because the play went into the Maryland bench area, and wanted to avoid a situation they couldn't control. At 6'3" and 230 Johnny is the right build for what the 3-3-5 stack needs in a safety. Having the speed to keep up with receivers is just a double super bonus.

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